We are passionate about food and we believe in wholesome, nutritious ingredients.
We provide our communities with fresh, high-quality food, exceptional responsiveness and intensely personal service. By purchasing with the following standards in mind, and preparing items so that they are as fresh as possible when served, we support local agriculture, increase nutrition and intensify flavor.
Writing menus that feature seasonal and regionally available ingredients.
Offering a variety of whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals.
Never using artificial trans-fats for any items prepared in house
Offering a variety of vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options.
Never using MSG.
Only serve proteins that are USDA certified.
Purchasing sustainable seafood that follows the Marine Stewardship Council’s guidelines and recommendations.
Offering organic, shade grown, fair trade, and rainforest alliance coffees and teas.
Sourcing from local farmers and small producers, and by participating in year-round, community sourced agriculture (CSA) programs.
Serving produce that is fresh, fresh frozen or packed in 100% juice or water.
Sourcing milk that is local and free of added growth hormones.
Accommodating nutritional and dietary requests.