The food “revolution” is not new to us, it’s not a fad we’re chasing, it’s who we are and what we do and has been since day one.
We have been cooking from scratch since day one. We buy whole ingredients and cook them. We train our team on how to use whole ingredients in a variety of ways to introduce variety and innovation on a constant basis.
Our Food Philosophy
Animal Welfare Policy
Learn More About Quest

Local Farmers & Producers
We know firsthand the importance of supporting local businesses. That’s why we utilize Gordon Food Service’s NearBuy program as our primary vendor.
NearBuy offers a variety of produce and specialty items, all produced by farmers and artisans within 250 miles. Their programs provide access to the highest-quality produce and specialty foods that we get to offer in our dining hall. By sourcing locally, we provide unique products that are in-season, in demand, and grown right here in our community.
100% Single Source Colombian Coffee
A Better Coffee Experience
Glenbrook High School District 225 offers Geek Grind coffee to its community.
Geek Grind Coffee is sourced from Café Occidente, an 1,800+ acre Colombian coffee farm, growing cooperative to directly source high quality, Excelsior-grade coffee at a high-altitude of 4,000 – 6,000 feet.
Social Impact
Geek Grind is striving to make a real difference in the economic value chain for farmers and growers in Colombia. While most coffee growers only receive two - three cents of every dollar of coffee sold in Colombia, Geek Grind is helping to transform the value chain by having coffee grown, roasted and packaged in Colombia. This allows Geek Grind to offer over three times the value of coffee sold to its growers in Colombia.
Women Leaders
The cooperative in Colombia has built its own ecosystem to help support its farmers and the local community. The cooperative offers health care, education and welfare for its farmers, and is strongly focused on promoting women in leadership. The Cooperative’s current General Manager is a woman, and over 200 women involved in the cooperative are leaders of their own farms or heads of households.